Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt’s film ‘Jigra’ was released in theatres last Friday. The film got embroiled in controversies as soon as it hit the theatres. The producer and actor of the film ‘Savi’, Divya Khossla, put ‘Jigra’ in the dock and made many allegations against the makers including Karan Johar and Alia Bhatt. While Alia remained silent on these allegations, Karan Johar responded without taking names. Moreover, from Instagram to Twitter, the fans of both the filmmakers also clashed, however, everyone had the same question, ‘Is Jigra a copy of Savi?’ The makers of both these films neither gave may not have given an accurate answer to these rumours but we have brought the real truth here. Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt’s film ‘Jigra’ was released in theatres last Friday. The film got embroiled in controversies as soon as it hit the theatres. The producer and actor of the film ‘Savi’, Divya Khossla, put ‘Jigra’ in the dock and made many allegations against the makers including Karan Johar and Alia Bhatt. While Alia remained silent on these allegations, Karan Johar responded without taking names. Moreover, from Instagram to Twitter, the fans of both the filmmakers also clashed, however, everyone had the same question, ‘Is Jigra a copy of Savi?’ The makers of both these films neither gave may not have given an accurate answer to these rumours but we have brought the real truth here. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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