Global star Deepika Padukone has voiced her opinion against SN Subrahmanyan, Chairman of Larsen & Toubro’s latest statement. The actor took to her Instagram stories to oppose requiring employees to work every day. Quoting “mental health matters,” Deepika has called out Subrahmanyan for making such shocking statements. Those who don’t know the chairman of L & T on Thursday advocated for a 90-hour workweek and added that he wants his employees to work on Sundays too as well as what will they do sitting at home. Now the Bollywood actor has called out Subrahmanyan for ignoring his employee’s mental health. Global star Deepika Padukone has voiced her opinion against SN Subrahmanyan, Chairman of Larsen & Toubro’s latest statement. The actor took to her Instagram stories to oppose requiring employees to work every day. Quoting “mental health matters,” Deepika has called out Subrahmanyan for making such shocking statements. Those who don’t know the chairman of L & T on Thursday advocated for a 90-hour workweek and added that he wants his employees to work on Sundays too as well as what will they do sitting at home. Now the Bollywood actor has called out Subrahmanyan for ignoring his employee’s mental health. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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