Deepika Padukone on Friday night at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s Sangeet ceremony captivated the attention of many with her elegant look in a purple saree. Before attending the event, the actress took to her Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures of herself wherein she can be seen flaunting her baby bump. In the pictures, she is also seen wearing a choker necklace and completed her looks with a sleek bun. Deepika’s caption also garnered everyone’s attention as it depicts how much she is enjoying her pregnancy phase. “Just…coz it’s a Friday night and (baby emoji) wants to party,” she wrote. Deepika Padukone on Friday night at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s Sangeet ceremony captivated the attention of many with her elegant look in a purple saree. Before attending the event, the actress took to her Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures of herself wherein she can be seen flaunting her baby bump. In the pictures, she is also seen wearing a choker necklace and completed her looks with a sleek bun. Deepika’s caption also garnered everyone’s attention as it depicts how much she is enjoying her pregnancy phase. “Just…coz it’s a Friday night and (baby emoji) wants to party,” she wrote. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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