Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone took a break from work after giving birth to her daughter Dua Padukone Singh. But now it seems like Deepika is back in the mood of work as she opened at Sabyasachi’s 25-year fashion show. The Padmaavat actor was seen wearing a white pantsuit with a matching trench coat of the same colour. Deepika completed her look with black gloves and a golden cross necklace. She also wore a choker and bracelets, which were visible over the black gloves. As soon as this look of DP went viral, netizens were reminded of veteran actor Rekha. Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone took a break from work after giving birth to her daughter Dua Padukone Singh. But now it seems like Deepika is back in the mood of work as she opened at Sabyasachi’s 25-year fashion show. The Padmaavat actor was seen wearing a white pantsuit with a matching trench coat of the same colour. Deepika completed her look with black gloves and a golden cross necklace. She also wore a choker and bracelets, which were visible over the black gloves. As soon as this look of DP went viral, netizens were reminded of veteran actor Rekha. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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