Ganesh Chaturthi, a 10-day festival, is being celebrated across the nation and Bollywood celebrities including Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Jackie Shroff, and Kiara Advani, among several others joined the festive celebrations at the Ambani family’s residence, Antilia. Several videos and pictures from the celebrations are all over social media, where these stars gathered together at one place for the festivities. Salman Khan was spotted arriving in style wearing a dapper brown shirt and posing for the paps. Sara Ali Khan joined the festivities wearing a beautiful lehenga. Ganesh Chaturthi, a 10-day festival, is being celebrated across the nation and Bollywood celebrities including Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Jackie Shroff, and Kiara Advani, among several others joined the festive celebrations at the Ambani family’s residence, Antilia. Several videos and pictures from the celebrations are all over social media, where these stars gathered together at one place for the festivities. Salman Khan was spotted arriving in style wearing a dapper brown shirt and posing for the paps. Sara Ali Khan joined the festivities wearing a beautiful lehenga. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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