South superstar Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor starrer film Devara: Part 1 was released in theatres on this Friday. Saif Ali Khan has set the stage on fire in the film’s villain role. Made with a budget of 300 crores, people have given mixed reviews to this film. The film collected Rs 77 crores on the first day i.e. Friday. This film by director Koratala Siva is being liked in the Hindi belt along with the South. The film had won in terms of advance booking even before its release. South superstar Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor starrer film Devara: Part 1 was released in theatres on this Friday. Saif Ali Khan has set the stage on fire in the film’s villain role. Made with a budget of 300 crores, people have given mixed reviews to this film. The film collected Rs 77 crores on the first day i.e. Friday. This film by director Koratala Siva is being liked in the Hindi belt along with the South. The film had won in terms of advance booking even before its release. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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