TV actor Sudhanshu Pandey, who played the character of Vanraj in the popular TV show Anupamaa, has said goodbye to the show. The actor announced this through a video, after which his fans were very disappointed. Later several reports suggested that the actor will be seen in Salman Khan’s show Bigg Boss 18. However, now putting a full stop on all these things, Sudhanshu himself has cleared the air. The actor may not be featuring in Salman’s reality show but he may have signed up for another one. TV actor Sudhanshu Pandey, who played the character of Vanraj in the popular TV show Anupamaa, has said goodbye to the show. The actor announced this through a video, after which his fans were very disappointed. Later several reports suggested that the actor will be seen in Salman Khan’s show Bigg Boss 18. However, now putting a full stop on all these things, Sudhanshu himself has cleared the air. The actor may not be featuring in Salman’s reality show but he may have signed up for another one. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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