Singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh, who performed to a packed audience in Kolkata on Saturday, took time out before his show to visit some of the city’s iconic landmarks. Diljit stopped by the famous Indian Coffee House ahead of his performance. Taking to its official Instagram account on Saturday, Diljit’s team shared a couple of pictures and videos from his visit. In the pictures, the singer was seen walking up the stairs of the historic venue, sitting by a window, and ordering a cup of hot milk coffee. In one picture, he thanked the server with a warm smile. A video also captured him enjoying his coffee while taking in the view of the bustling city from the window. Singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh, who performed to a packed audience in Kolkata on Saturday, took time out before his show to visit some of the city’s iconic landmarks. Diljit stopped by the famous Indian Coffee House ahead of his performance. Taking to its official Instagram account on Saturday, Diljit’s team shared a couple of pictures and videos from his visit. In the pictures, the singer was seen walking up the stairs of the historic venue, sitting by a window, and ordering a cup of hot milk coffee. In one picture, he thanked the server with a warm smile. A video also captured him enjoying his coffee while taking in the view of the bustling city from the window. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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