Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh has officially announced his next film. Taking it to his Instagram profile, the actor-singer shared the first poster of his next film Sardaarji 3. The photo does not feature Diljit in a visible form as it’s a blurred close-up shot of a man wearing a turban, symbolising a Sikh community person. With this, the release date of Sardarrji 3 has also been shared. However, Diljit’s fans will have to wait till next year to watch the film. More details on the film are awaited. Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh has officially announced his next film. Taking it to his Instagram profile, the actor-singer shared the first poster of his next film Sardaarji 3. The photo does not feature Diljit in a visible form as it’s a blurred close-up shot of a man wearing a turban, symbolising a Sikh community person. With this, the release date of Sardarrji 3 has also been shared. However, Diljit’s fans will have to wait till next year to watch the film. More details on the film are awaited. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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