Bollywood diva Disha Patani’s father, Jagdish Singh Patani, who is a retired deputy SP was allegedly defrauded of Rs 25 lakh by a group of five individuals who promised him a high-ranking position in a government commission, Bareilly Police said on Friday. An FIR was registered at Bareilly Kotwali police station on Friday evening. Kotwali police station in-charge D K Sharma said, “A case has been registered against Shivendra Pratap Singh, Diwakar Garg, Acharya Jayaprakash from Juna Akhara, Preeti Garg, and one unidentified person for cheating, criminal intimidation, and extortion. Efforts are underway to arrest the accused and take strict action.” Bollywood diva Disha Patani’s father, Jagdish Singh Patani, who is a retired deputy SP was allegedly defrauded of Rs 25 lakh by a group of five individuals who promised him a high-ranking position in a government commission, Bareilly Police said on Friday. An FIR was registered at Bareilly Kotwali police station on Friday evening. Kotwali police station in-charge D K Sharma said, “A case has been registered against Shivendra Pratap Singh, Diwakar Garg, Acharya Jayaprakash from Juna Akhara, Preeti Garg, and one unidentified person for cheating, criminal intimidation, and extortion. Efforts are underway to arrest the accused and take strict action.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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