Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Mandi and Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut has been vigorously promoting her upcoming film Emergency at all given opportunities. However, seems like now the actor will have to stop the promotions to resume them some time back. Latest reports claim that the Emergency may have been postponed. The delay was most likely caused by film-related concerns. Moreover, on August 31, the Punjab and Haryana High Court heard a complaint filed by Gurinder Singh and Jagmohan Singh.These Mohali citizens urged that Emergency’s censor certificate, awarded by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), be removed. They also stated that the film should be examined by prominent Sikh figures before its release in theatres. Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha from Mandi and Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut has been vigorously promoting her upcoming film Emergency at all given opportunities. However, seems like now the actor will have to stop the promotions to resume them some time back. Latest reports claim that the Emergency may have been postponed. The delay was most likely caused by film-related concerns. Moreover, on August 31, the Punjab and Haryana High Court heard a complaint filed by Gurinder Singh and Jagmohan Singh.These Mohali citizens urged that Emergency’s censor certificate, awarded by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), be removed. They also stated that the film should be examined by prominent Sikh figures before its release in theatres. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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