Superhit Korean survival drama series Squid Game, which became the most-watched series on Netflix when it was released in 2021, will be back with its second season on December 26, the streamer’s US official social media accounts announced on Thursday. In its post, Netflix US also unveiled the release date of its third and final season, which will premiere in 2025. Hwang Dong-hyuk, who also directed, wrote, and executive produced the first chapter which became a superhit for the streamer upon its premiere, shared his excitement to be back to the world of Squid Game with a new season in a note. Superhit Korean survival drama series Squid Game, which became the most-watched series on Netflix when it was released in 2021, will be back with its second season on December 26, the streamer’s US official social media accounts announced on Thursday. In its post, Netflix US also unveiled the release date of its third and final season, which will premiere in 2025. Hwang Dong-hyuk, who also directed, wrote, and executive produced the first chapter which became a superhit for the streamer upon its premiere, shared his excitement to be back to the world of Squid Game with a new season in a note. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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