The Bombay High Court heard the case of Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency on Friday. For the unversed, Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency has reached the Bombay HC over its delayed release date. The matter started after the makers of the film were unable to get their film certified by the censor board. Later the CBFC had asked for three cuts in Kangana’s film. In the last hearing on Monday, the makers of Emergency had finally agreed to get three scenes cut from the film. In the latest development, the Bombay High Court has disposed off the petition as both the parties, Kangana Ranaut and the censor board have agreed to a common solution. The Bombay High Court heard the case of Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency on Friday. For the unversed, Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency has reached the Bombay HC over its delayed release date. The matter started after the makers of the film were unable to get their film certified by the censor board. Later the CBFC had asked for three cuts in Kangana’s film. In the last hearing on Monday, the makers of Emergency had finally agreed to get three scenes cut from the film. In the latest development, the Bombay High Court has disposed off the petition as both the parties, Kangana Ranaut and the censor board have agreed to a common solution. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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