Bollywood star Rajkummar Rao has given the most superhit film of Bollywood this year. His and Shraddha Kapoor’s film ‘Stree-2’ has surprised everyone by earning more than 600 crores in India. For the unversed, ‘Stree-2’ is a horror comedy film which has made a bumper collection. Now Rajkummar Rao and Triptii Dimri are going to hit the theatres with another comedy-drama film, ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’. This film is going to hit the theatres tomorrow i.e. on Friday. Rajkummar Rao featured in four films this year, Srikant, Mr and Mrs Mahi, Stree 2 and tomorrow releasing Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video. After entertaining the audiences with drama, romance, comedy and horror now the actor will be seen in an action film. Bollywood star Rajkummar Rao has given the most superhit film of Bollywood this year. His and Shraddha Kapoor’s film ‘Stree-2’ has surprised everyone by earning more than 600 crores in India. For the unversed, ‘Stree-2’ is a horror comedy film which has made a bumper collection. Now Rajkummar Rao and Triptii Dimri are going to hit the theatres with another comedy-drama film, ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’. This film is going to hit the theatres tomorrow i.e. on Friday. Rajkummar Rao featured in four films this year, Srikant, Mr and Mrs Mahi, Stree 2 and tomorrow releasing Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video. After entertaining the audiences with drama, romance, comedy and horror now the actor will be seen in an action film. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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