Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic TV show, Fauji, is set to return to Doordarshan with a fresh take in the new season. Filmmaker Sandeep Singh has teamed up with the national broadcaster to put a new life into the classic show. The new series introduces Bigg Boss 17 fame Vikas Jain as Colonel Sanjay Singh and actress Gauahar Khan as Lieutenant Colonel Simarjeet Kaur, a cadet trainer specializing in weaponry. Sandeep Singh is set to introduce 12 new actors to the audience, selected for their talent from various regions across India. Announcing Fauji 2, Sandeep shared a series of pictures and a montage of the classic show. Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic TV show, Fauji, is set to return to Doordarshan with a fresh take in the new season. Filmmaker Sandeep Singh has teamed up with the national broadcaster to put a new life into the classic show. The new series introduces Bigg Boss 17 fame Vikas Jain as Colonel Sanjay Singh and actress Gauahar Khan as Lieutenant Colonel Simarjeet Kaur, a cadet trainer specializing in weaponry. Sandeep Singh is set to introduce 12 new actors to the audience, selected for their talent from various regions across India. Announcing Fauji 2, Sandeep shared a series of pictures and a montage of the classic show. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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