Actress Kavita Kaushik took to her Instagram handle on Tuesday and shared a series of pictures with the team of show, FIR, marking their reunion after nine years. In the pics, Kavita is seen hanging out with co-stars Aamir Ali, Sapna Sikarwar, Gopi Bhalla, and Sandeep Anand. ”Hayye Daiyya kahan jaau mai F.i.R likhaaun. Gulguley, Shashank and some important members were missed,” she wrote in the caption of the post. Actress Kavita Kaushik took to her Instagram handle on Tuesday and shared a series of pictures with the team of show, FIR, marking their reunion after nine years. In the pics, Kavita is seen hanging out with co-stars Aamir Ali, Sapna Sikarwar, Gopi Bhalla, and Sandeep Anand. ”Hayye Daiyya kahan jaau mai F.i.R likhaaun. Gulguley, Shashank and some important members were missed,” she wrote in the caption of the post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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