After a gap of nearly two years, Ram Charan is all set to make his comeback to the big screens with Game Changer. The makers of the film unveiled its first teaser on YouTube on Saturday night. The one-minute-and-30-second teaser showcases Ram Charan going from academia to action. As per the trailer, Game Changer is set in the world of politics and centres around the story of an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer who takes on corrupt politicians and fights for fair elections. Game Changer will hit the big screens on January 10 next year. After a gap of nearly two years, Ram Charan is all set to make his comeback to the big screens with Game Changer. The makers of the film unveiled its first teaser on YouTube on Saturday night. The one-minute-and-30-second teaser showcases Ram Charan going from academia to action. As per the trailer, Game Changer is set in the world of politics and centres around the story of an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer who takes on corrupt politicians and fights for fair elections. Game Changer will hit the big screens on January 10 next year. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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