In a heartwarming moment on the popular show The Great Indian Kapil Show, Bollywood superstar Govinda, along with his friends Chunky Pandey and Shakti Kapoor, shared the stage for some light-hearted fun. However, it was the emotional reconciliation between Govinda and his nephew Krushna Abhishek that stole the spotlight. The two, who had been estranged for over seven years, finally addressed their long-standing feud on national television. In a heartwarming moment on the popular show The Great Indian Kapil Show, Bollywood superstar Govinda, along with his friends Chunky Pandey and Shakti Kapoor, shared the stage for some light-hearted fun. However, it was the emotional reconciliation between Govinda and his nephew Krushna Abhishek that stole the spotlight. The two, who had been estranged for over seven years, finally addressed their long-standing feud on national television. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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