Great Expectations: How BJP Has To Walk The Fine Caste Line In Haryana To Balance CM Saini’s New Cabinet

Great Expectations: How BJP Has To Walk The Fine Caste Line In Haryana To Balance CM Saini’s New Cabinet

The BJP is aware of the expectations it has to meet when it comes to fair representation in the new cabinet. Punjabis, who gave maximum votes to the party in the Haryana assembly polls, will have to be considered along with Yadavs, Brahmins, Rajputs, Gujjars and Dalits The BJP is aware of the expectations it has to meet when it comes to fair representation in the new cabinet. Punjabis, who gave maximum votes to the party in the Haryana assembly polls, will have to be considered along with Yadavs, Brahmins, Rajputs, Gujjars and Dalits  Elections Elections News in, Elections Latest News, Elections News