Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been in the news for a long time now. The actor was stabbed multiple times on January 16 night by an intruder. He was later admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati hospital and after 6 days, he was discharged yesterday. The actor is currently at his Bandra home, Satguru Sharan Apartment, where the incident happened. On the other hand, Saif’s net worth has come into the discussion after his ancestral property is likely to be taken over by the government. Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been in the news for a long time now. The actor was stabbed multiple times on January 16 night by an intruder. He was later admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati hospital and after 6 days, he was discharged yesterday. The actor is currently at his Bandra home, Satguru Sharan Apartment, where the incident happened. On the other hand, Saif’s net worth has come into the discussion after his ancestral property is likely to be taken over by the government. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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