The makers of Gyaarah Gyaarah on Wednesday unveiled its first trailer on social media. Directed by Umesh Bist, the film stars Raghav Juyal and Kritika Kamra in the lead and Dhairya Karwa, Gautami Kapoor, Harsh Chhaya and Purnendu Bhattacharya, and Mukti Mohan in supporting roles. Taking to its official social media accounts, ZEE5 wrote, ”Can a glitch in time crack the unsolved crimes? Gyaarah Gyaarah premieres 9th August on #ZEE5.” The makers of Gyaarah Gyaarah on Wednesday unveiled its first trailer on social media. Directed by Umesh Bist, the film stars Raghav Juyal and Kritika Kamra in the lead and Dhairya Karwa, Gautami Kapoor, Harsh Chhaya and Purnendu Bhattacharya, and Mukti Mohan in supporting roles. Taking to its official social media accounts, ZEE5 wrote, ”Can a glitch in time crack the unsolved crimes? Gyaarah Gyaarah premieres 9th August on #ZEE5.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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