Hrithik Roshan, who made his acting debut in Bollywood with Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai in 2000, has completed his 25 years in the Hindi film industry. Speaking on the milestone, the actor said that he is still as shy and anxious as he was 25 years ago when he debuted as a leading man in Hindi movies with the blockbuster Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. Directed by his filmmaker father Rakesh Roshan, the 2000 romantic drama also starred Ameesha Patel in her acting debut. It is set to re-release in theatres on Friday, coinciding with Hrithik’s 51st birthday on January 10. Hrithik Roshan, who made his acting debut in Bollywood with Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai in 2000, has completed his 25 years in the Hindi film industry. Speaking on the milestone, the actor said that he is still as shy and anxious as he was 25 years ago when he debuted as a leading man in Hindi movies with the blockbuster Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. Directed by his filmmaker father Rakesh Roshan, the 2000 romantic drama also starred Ameesha Patel in her acting debut. It is set to re-release in theatres on Friday, coinciding with Hrithik’s 51st birthday on January 10. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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