Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon, who was last seen in Do Patti and Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Jiya is in the news, not for her films but due to her personal life. The actor is reportedly dating Kabir Bahia, who is a close aide to former cricketer MS Dhoni and his wife Sakshi Dhoni. On the occasion of Christmas 2024, Kriti shared a series of photos on her Instagram, where she may have indirectly made her relationship with Kabir official. In one of the photos, she can also be seen posing with the former World Cup-winning captain, who turned Santa for his family. Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon, who was last seen in Do Patti and Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Jiya is in the news, not for her films but due to her personal life. The actor is reportedly dating Kabir Bahia, who is a close aide to former cricketer MS Dhoni and his wife Sakshi Dhoni. On the occasion of Christmas 2024, Kriti shared a series of photos on her Instagram, where she may have indirectly made her relationship with Kabir official. In one of the photos, she can also be seen posing with the former World Cup-winning captain, who turned Santa for his family. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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