Bollywood actress Preity Zinta is all set to return to the silver screen. The actress might have taken a break from the silver screen but she still rules our hearts. From starting her Bollywood debut in 1998 with Mani Ratnam’s film Dil Se opposite Shah Rukh Khan and Manisha Koirala, Preity made her presence even as a supporting actress, leaving a mark with her stellar acting skills. Preity Zinta recently took to Instagram to share a behind-the-scenes clip from his upcoming film Lahore 1947. Bollywood actress Preity Zinta is all set to return to the silver screen. The actress might have taken a break from the silver screen but she still rules our hearts. From starting her Bollywood debut in 1998 with Mani Ratnam’s film Dil Se opposite Shah Rukh Khan and Manisha Koirala, Preity made her presence even as a supporting actress, leaving a mark with her stellar acting skills. Preity Zinta recently took to Instagram to share a behind-the-scenes clip from his upcoming film Lahore 1947. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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