Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut took to her Instagram and X profile to react to the recent slap incident. The Manikarnika actor said that she was hit by a CISF female guard after she was going for a security check at Chandigarh airport. Kangana posted the video and revealed that she even asked the guard the reason behind the slap. To which the guard replied that she was a farmer protest supporter and was miffed with Kangana’s take on the matter. Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut took to her Instagram and X profile to react to the recent slap incident. The Manikarnika actor said that she was hit by a CISF female guard after she was going for a security check at Chandigarh airport. Kangana posted the video and revealed that she even asked the guard the reason behind the slap. To which the guard replied that she was a farmer protest supporter and was miffed with Kangana’s take on the matter. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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