The dream of Sheikh Mohammad Ansari of Jharkhand, who was waiting to meet his favourite actor, Shah Rukh Khan outside his Mumbai residence Mannat for about 95 days, has come true. Shah Rukh celebrated his 59th birthday on November 2. On this occasion, thousands of fans had gathered outside Mannat, but due to security reasons, King Khan did not appear in front of the fans but waved to them from his terrace. However, he met his die-hard fans at an event. Yes! SRK finally met his Jharkhand fan, Sheikh Mohammad Ansari. The dream of Sheikh Mohammad Ansari of Jharkhand, who was waiting to meet his favourite actor, Shah Rukh Khan outside his Mumbai residence Mannat for about 95 days, has come true. Shah Rukh celebrated his 59th birthday on November 2. On this occasion, thousands of fans had gathered outside Mannat, but due to security reasons, King Khan did not appear in front of the fans but waved to them from his terrace. However, he met his die-hard fans at an event. Yes! SRK finally met his Jharkhand fan, Sheikh Mohammad Ansari. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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