IC 814 Kandahar Hijack, starring Vijay Varma in the lead role, is finally out on Netflix. The six-episode web series tells the story of the longest hijacking in Indian history and is based on the true event of an Indian passenger flight, which was hijacked by terrorists in December 1999. The web show is adapted from the book titled Flight into Fear: A Captain’s Story. The web show garnered mostly positive reviews from critics, however, it is also being slammed by a section of social media users citing its ‘pro-terrorist’ and ‘anti-government’ storytelling. So, let us find out what are the points which are trending on X (formerly Twitter), that have sparked controversy around the Netflix series post its release. IC 814 Kandahar Hijack, starring Vijay Varma in the lead role, is finally out on Netflix. The six-episode web series tells the story of the longest hijacking in Indian history and is based on the true event of an Indian passenger flight, which was hijacked by terrorists in December 1999. The web show is adapted from the book titled Flight into Fear: A Captain’s Story. The web show garnered mostly positive reviews from critics, however, it is also being slammed by a section of social media users citing its ‘pro-terrorist’ and ‘anti-government’ storytelling. So, let us find out what are the points which are trending on X (formerly Twitter), that have sparked controversy around the Netflix series post its release. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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