Janhvi Kapoor attended Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s ‘Mameru’ ceremony in Mumbai on Wednesday, July 3, with her rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya. The couple’s video is becoming increasingly viral on social media. As soon as she entered Antilia, Janhvi Janhvi was also seen hugging the groom Anant Ambani. On this special occasion, Janhvi Kapoor looked very beautiful in a pink and orange coloured lehenga. She completed her look with a golden choker. On the other hand, her boyfriend was wearing a sequin blue short-kurta with white pants. Janhvi Kapoor attended Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s ‘Mameru’ ceremony in Mumbai on Wednesday, July 3, with her rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya. The couple’s video is becoming increasingly viral on social media. As soon as she entered Antilia, Janhvi Janhvi was also seen hugging the groom Anant Ambani. On this special occasion, Janhvi Kapoor looked very beautiful in a pink and orange coloured lehenga. She completed her look with a golden choker. On the other hand, her boyfriend was wearing a sequin blue short-kurta with white pants. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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