In her interviews, Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor might have left no stone unturned to talk about her admiration and devotion towards Tirupati Balaji temple. The actor had also revealed that her mother and late actor Sridevi used to visit Andhra Pradesh’s famous temple on each of her birthdays. After Sridevi passed away Janhvi Kapoor continued the tradition and the actor made it to the temple on her mother’s birthday. Today on the occasion of Sridevi’s birth anniversary, Janhvi once again visited Tirupati and the actor has shared several photos on her Instagram. In her interviews, Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor might have left no stone unturned to talk about her admiration and devotion towards Tirupati Balaji temple. The actor had also revealed that her mother and late actor Sridevi used to visit Andhra Pradesh’s famous temple on each of her birthdays. After Sridevi passed away Janhvi Kapoor continued the tradition and the actor made it to the temple on her mother’s birthday. Today on the occasion of Sridevi’s birth anniversary, Janhvi once again visited Tirupati and the actor has shared several photos on her Instagram. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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