Veteran Bollywood screenwriter Javed Akhtar is not only known for his unmatchable stint in the Hindi film industry but also for being vocal on national and other social issues regularly. On Thursday, Akhtar put out his views on the ongoing controversy over eateries on the Kanwar Yatra route in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar where the local police have ordered to display of the owners’ names at the shop. Taking to his X (previously called Twitter) account, the veteran lyricist compared the decision to ‘Nazi Germany’. Veteran Bollywood screenwriter Javed Akhtar is not only known for his unmatchable stint in the Hindi film industry but also for being vocal on national and other social issues regularly. On Thursday, Akhtar put out his views on the ongoing controversy over eateries on the Kanwar Yatra route in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar where the local police have ordered to display of the owners’ names at the shop. Taking to his X (previously called Twitter) account, the veteran lyricist compared the decision to ‘Nazi Germany’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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