The Greek God of the Bollywood industry i.e. Hrithik Roshan is going to celebrate his 51st birthday on January 10 next year. At the same time, on this special occasion, the actor will be giving a return gift to his fans. Hrithik’s debut film ‘Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai’ is going to hit the theatres again after 25 years. With this, the actor will complete his 25 years in the entertainment industry. In this way, there is going to be a double celebration on the superstar’s birthday. The Greek God of the Bollywood industry i.e. Hrithik Roshan is going to celebrate his 51st birthday on January 10 next year. At the same time, on this special occasion, the actor will be giving a return gift to his fans. Hrithik’s debut film ‘Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai’ is going to hit the theatres again after 25 years. With this, the actor will complete his 25 years in the entertainment industry. In this way, there is going to be a double celebration on the superstar’s birthday. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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