Bollywood actor Kajol is loved for her unfiltered nature and sparkling laughter. These days the Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actor is busy with Durga Puja celebrations. From Rani Mukherjee to Jaya Bachchan and Kajol, Bollywood actresses are enjoying the festive times in full swing. From one of the Durga Puja pandals in Mumbai, a video has gone viral, where Kajol can be seen yelling at a devotee. However, the reason for her shouting at the person may be justified but Kajol’s tone has not gone well with the social media users. Bollywood actor Kajol is loved for her unfiltered nature and sparkling laughter. These days the Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actor is busy with Durga Puja celebrations. From Rani Mukherjee to Jaya Bachchan and Kajol, Bollywood actresses are enjoying the festive times in full swing. From one of the Durga Puja pandals in Mumbai, a video has gone viral, where Kajol can be seen yelling at a devotee. However, the reason for her shouting at the person may be justified but Kajol’s tone has not gone well with the social media users. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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