Only Fighter, Shaitaan and Munjya were able to earn more than 100 crores at the box office and save the days for its cast and makers. However, amid several flops, Nag Ashwin’s Kalki 2898 AD was released and several records were thrashed. The film got a bumper opening day and earned more than 90 cores on a weekday. Prabhas, Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan starrer became the highest-grossing movie and now the film has earned Rs 500 crores in India that too in just 11 days. With this, Kalki has become the fastest film to enter the 500 crore club. It is followed by Shah Rukh Khan Jawan that took 13 days and Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal, who took 16 days to enter the 500 crore club. Only Fighter, Shaitaan and Munjya were able to earn more than 100 crores at the box office and save the days for its cast and makers. However, amid several flops, Nag Ashwin’s Kalki 2898 AD was released and several records were thrashed. The film got a bumper opening day and earned more than 90 cores on a weekday. Prabhas, Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan starrer became the highest-grossing movie and now the film has earned Rs 500 crores in India that too in just 11 days. With this, Kalki has become the fastest film to enter the 500 crore club. It is followed by Shah Rukh Khan Jawan that took 13 days and Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal, who took 16 days to enter the 500 crore club. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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