Aap Ki Adalat, hosted by veteran journalist Rajat Sharma, will witness actress-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut as the latest guest on the show. The ‘Queen’ star has returned to the popular news television show after nine years. Over the years, Kangana has been quite vocal on several socio-political issues and now she is again in the news for her next offering, Emergency, wherein she will portray former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. On the show, she also talked about the Khans of Bollywood and the films offered to her featuring them. Aap Ki Adalat, hosted by veteran journalist Rajat Sharma, will witness actress-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut as the latest guest on the show. The ‘Queen’ star has returned to the popular news television show after nine years. Over the years, Kangana has been quite vocal on several socio-political issues and now she is again in the news for her next offering, Emergency, wherein she will portray former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. On the show, she also talked about the Khans of Bollywood and the films offered to her featuring them. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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