Anupam Kher, who is quite active on social media and keeps posting pictures and videos of himself and specifically his mother Dulari, shared another video on his Instagram and this time it is with his Emergency co-star Kangana Ranaut. In the video shared by the veteran actor, Kangana is seen seeking blessings from his mother for their upcoming flick Emergency. ”Kangana and Dulari: Two strong women of the mountains. A few days ago Kangana suddenly decided she would like to take blessings from her mother! Mom didn’t get a chance to dress up. I teased them a lot for this!” wrote along with the video. Anupam Kher, who is quite active on social media and keeps posting pictures and videos of himself and specifically his mother Dulari, shared another video on his Instagram and this time it is with his Emergency co-star Kangana Ranaut. In the video shared by the veteran actor, Kangana is seen seeking blessings from his mother for their upcoming flick Emergency. ”Kangana and Dulari: Two strong women of the mountains. A few days ago Kangana suddenly decided she would like to take blessings from her mother! Mom didn’t get a chance to dress up. I teased them a lot for this!” wrote along with the video. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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