Actress-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut shared the news of her maternal grandmother, Indrani Thakur’s demise on her Instagram handle. Along with the news of her death, Kangana also shared several pictures and notes, remembering her. In the first picture, Kangana is seen sitting next to her grandmother as they shared a laugh. She wrote in Hindi, ”Kal raat meri naaniji Indrani Thakur ji ka dehanth hua. Sara parivaar shokh mein hain. Kripaya unke liye prarthana kare.” Actress-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut shared the news of her maternal grandmother, Indrani Thakur’s demise on her Instagram handle. Along with the news of her death, Kangana also shared several pictures and notes, remembering her. In the first picture, Kangana is seen sitting next to her grandmother as they shared a laugh. She wrote in Hindi, ”Kal raat meri naaniji Indrani Thakur ji ka dehanth hua. Sara parivaar shokh mein hain. Kripaya unke liye prarthana kare.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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