Kannada actor Darshan and controversies go hand-in-hand. The actor has been detained by police in Mysuru in connection with a murder case. This is in connection to the murder of a youth named Renukaswamy who was murdered within Kamakshipalya police station limits. Following this, the Kamakshipalya police detained him. The arrest was made based on a complaint lodged by the mother of the murdered youth. Massive security has been deployed in and around the police station. Kannada actor Darshan and controversies go hand-in-hand. The actor has been detained by police in Mysuru in connection with a murder case. This is in connection to the murder of a youth named Renukaswamy who was murdered within Kamakshipalya police station limits. Following this, the Kamakshipalya police detained him. The arrest was made based on a complaint lodged by the mother of the murdered youth. Massive security has been deployed in and around the police station. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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