Director Nikhil Nagesh Bhatt’s film Kill, which is going to be released this Friday, is going to be remade in Hollywood. Lionsgate Motion Picture Group has decided to make this remake in collaboration with 87Eleven Entertainment Company, famous for making the John Wick series of films. This announcement was made before the release of Kill, which is directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhatt and will be released on July 5. Director Nikhil Nagesh Bhatt’s film Kill, which is going to be released this Friday, is going to be remade in Hollywood. Lionsgate Motion Picture Group has decided to make this remake in collaboration with 87Eleven Entertainment Company, famous for making the John Wick series of films. This announcement was made before the release of Kill, which is directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhatt and will be released on July 5. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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