For the last seven years, a verbal cold war has been going on between actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut and ace filmmaker Karan Johar. It all started when Kangana appeared on Karan’s chat show Koffee With Karan and called the director, ‘the torchbearer of nepotism’. Since then Ranaut has spoken many things against Karan Johar on many occasions, while Karan has also not shied away from answering Kangana, but today something different has happened. Recently, when Kangana Ranaut reached Chandigarh airport to visit Delhi for PM Modi’s swearing-in ceremony, she was slapped by a CISF security guard. Today Karan Johar attended the press conference where he was asked to react to Kangana’s slap row. For the last seven years, a verbal cold war has been going on between actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut and ace filmmaker Karan Johar. It all started when Kangana appeared on Karan’s chat show Koffee With Karan and called the director, ‘the torchbearer of nepotism’. Since then Ranaut has spoken many things against Karan Johar on many occasions, while Karan has also not shied away from answering Kangana, but today something different has happened. Recently, when Kangana Ranaut reached Chandigarh airport to visit Delhi for PM Modi’s swearing-in ceremony, she was slapped by a CISF security guard. Today Karan Johar attended the press conference where he was asked to react to Kangana’s slap row. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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