Ace filmmaker Karan Johar on Wednesday took to his Instagram handle and shared a series of throwback pictures of himself and his late father, Yash Johar, on his 20th death anniversary. He also penned down a long emotional note in the caption. Yash Johar was a well-known face in Hindi cinema, who produced several popular flicks including Agneepath, Gumrah, Duplicate, and Dostana (1980), among others. Ace filmmaker Karan Johar on Wednesday took to his Instagram handle and shared a series of throwback pictures of himself and his late father, Yash Johar, on his 20th death anniversary. He also penned down a long emotional note in the caption. Yash Johar was a well-known face in Hindi cinema, who produced several popular flicks including Agneepath, Gumrah, Duplicate, and Dostana (1980), among others. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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