Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor Khan is celebrating her 44th birthday today, September 21, 2024. In anticipation of her special day, the Tashan actress shared a series of stunning pictures of herself ahead of her birthday. In the pictures, Bebo showcased her iconic style with a a few candid black-and-white shots of herself surrounded by balloons. The next one features Bebo in a monochrome image, offering a sneak peek of her glamorous outfit. The third image showcases Kareena’s striking red off-shoulder dress paired with heels. ”Bringing in my birthday,” she captioned her post. Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor Khan is celebrating her 44th birthday today, September 21, 2024. In anticipation of her special day, the Tashan actress shared a series of stunning pictures of herself ahead of her birthday. In the pictures, Bebo showcased her iconic style with a a few candid black-and-white shots of herself surrounded by balloons. The next one features Bebo in a monochrome image, offering a sneak peek of her glamorous outfit. The third image showcases Kareena’s striking red off-shoulder dress paired with heels. ”Bringing in my birthday,” she captioned her post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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