The Congress party-led Karnataka government has banned the release and broadcast of the upcoming film titled Humare Baarah in the state for two weeks or until further notice. The state government has alleged that the release of Humare Baarah would create communal tension and the authorities have made this decision after considering requests from several minority organisations and delegations and after watching the trailer. The decision taken is in accordance with the Karnataka Cinema Regulations Act, 1964 under Sections 15(1) and 15(5). The Congress party-led Karnataka government has banned the release and broadcast of the upcoming film titled Humare Baarah in the state for two weeks or until further notice. The state government has alleged that the release of Humare Baarah would create communal tension and the authorities have made this decision after considering requests from several minority organisations and delegations and after watching the trailer. The decision taken is in accordance with the Karnataka Cinema Regulations Act, 1964 under Sections 15(1) and 15(5). IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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