The Kerala Court has granted Malayalam actor Mukesh interim protection from detention until September 3. Mukesh, a Kerala MLA, has been charged with rape following claims made by a female actor. According to reports, Mukesh has applied for anticipatory bail and interim orders from the Principal Sessions Court in Ernakulam. The court issued an interim injunction stating that he should not be arrested until September 3. According to reports, he claimed the complainant was blackmailing him. He claimed to have evidence of the same and presented it in court. The Kerala Court has granted Malayalam actor Mukesh interim protection from detention until September 3. Mukesh, a Kerala MLA, has been charged with rape following claims made by a female actor. According to reports, Mukesh has applied for anticipatory bail and interim orders from the Principal Sessions Court in Ernakulam. The court issued an interim injunction stating that he should not be arrested until September 3. According to reports, he claimed the complainant was blackmailing him. He claimed to have evidence of the same and presented it in court. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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