New Delhi: Kerala Police have arrested three more suspects in the Pathanamthitta teen athlete rape case on Sunday, bringing the total number of arrests to 20. The three who have been arrested have been identified as Shamnath, Afsal, his brother Ashiq, Nidhin Prasad, Abhinav, Karthik, Sudheesh and Appu.
Among those so far taken in the custody include a class 12 student, two siblings, and a man set to be engaged. The police have identified 62 people who had allegedly sexually abused an athlete for over five years. The girl, now 18, claimed that at least 64 people had abused her over the years, starting when she was 13. Those who took advantage of her include her school classmates, neighbours, coaches and fellow athletes.
The girl confided her plight to counsellors group Snehitha during a routine door-to-door visit for a gender awareness programme at her home in the Pathanamthitta district. It led the police to register five FIRs across two police stations. More FIRs are likely to be lodged after the suspects allegedly used explicit photos and videos to coerce her into acceptance of sexual abuse.
POCSO, other acts registered against accused
Since the victim is a Dalit girl, the police have also added Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act apart from POCSO against the accused. As per the police even the coaches exploited the girl, who is an athlete.
Chairman of the district child welfare council N Rajeev said the local-level athlete was in trauma and has been shifted to a shelter home where she is reported to be in stable condition. “Some of the abusers were under 18, and include her classmates. The oldest among the abusers are some people aged 35 years,” Rajeev told The Telegraph.
“Her father is a house painter and her mother is an MGNREGA labourer. Their level of education is very low and they never realised their elder daughter was being sexually abused. I suspect more men are involved as her confession is only halfway through.” Parents of the athlete were unaware of their girl’s suffering as some of the abuse apparently occurred at her home when they were away for work.
Women’s Commission alert
A special probe team has been formed to carry the inquiry headed by Deputy Superintendent of Police, Pathanamthitta, even as the National Commission for Women (NCW) has swiftly taken cognizance of the matter.
NCW chairperson Vijaya Rahatkar has condemned the crime and asked authorities to file a report within three days while the Kerala Women’s Commission filed a suo motu case and asked the local district police to submit a report.
The local level athlete, now 18, claimed that at least 64 people had abused her over the years, starting when she was 13. Cricket Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today