Kiara Advani is all set to share screen space with Ram Charan for the first time in Game Changer, which will be released in cinemas on January 10, 2024. The makers recently dropped a peppy number titled Dhop on social media, starring both the lead stars. Later, Kiara also shared a behind-the-scenes video from her practising days. This post captivated the attention of many social media users as the actor in the caption mentioned rape accused choreographer, Jani Master, for his contribution to the song. However, Kiara later edited her caption, praising the director and her co-star. Kiara Advani is all set to share screen space with Ram Charan for the first time in Game Changer, which will be released in cinemas on January 10, 2024. The makers recently dropped a peppy number titled Dhop on social media, starring both the lead stars. Later, Kiara also shared a behind-the-scenes video from her practising days. This post captivated the attention of many social media users as the actor in the caption mentioned rape accused choreographer, Jani Master, for his contribution to the song. However, Kiara later edited her caption, praising the director and her co-star. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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