‘Yodha’ Sidharth Malhotra recently rocked social media after his ramp walk video for designers Shantanu and Nikhil in New Delhi went viral. The actor stole the show with his intense chemistry with a female model. During his walk, Sidharth can be seen holding the model close and striking poses with her. In the viral video, the two can also be seen sharing a close-knit moment on the ramp, where the model playfully pulls the actor’s collar which is being considered as a part of the choreography. ‘Yodha’ Sidharth Malhotra recently rocked social media after his ramp walk video for designers Shantanu and Nikhil in New Delhi went viral. The actor stole the show with his intense chemistry with a female model. During his walk, Sidharth can be seen holding the model close and striking poses with her. In the viral video, the two can also be seen sharing a close-knit moment on the ramp, where the model playfully pulls the actor’s collar which is being considered as a part of the choreography. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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