In a shocking scam surfaced in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad, fake Rs 500 currency notes with Bollywood veteran actor Anupam Kher‘s face have been seized. A video of bundles of such counterfeit notes is doing rounds on the internet wherein the actor’s face can be seen in place of Mahatma Gandhi. These currency notes also display the name ‘Resole Bank Of India’ instead of ‘Reserve Bank Of India’. Resharing one such viral video, Anupam Kher has finally put out his reaction on the same. ”Lo ji karlo baat, My photo instead of Gandhi’s photo on the note of five hundred???? Anything can happen!” he wrote along with the video. In a shocking scam surfaced in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad, fake Rs 500 currency notes with Bollywood veteran actor Anupam Kher’s face have been seized. A video of bundles of such counterfeit notes is doing rounds on the internet wherein the actor’s face can be seen in place of Mahatma Gandhi. These currency notes also display the name ‘Resole Bank Of India’ instead of ‘Reserve Bank Of India’. Resharing one such viral video, Anupam Kher has finally put out his reaction on the same. ”Lo ji karlo baat, My photo instead of Gandhi’s photo on the note of five hundred???? Anything can happen!” he wrote along with the video. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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