Laapataa Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao, was announced as India’s official entry into Oscars 2025 by the Film Federation Of India on Monday in the Best Foreign Film category. Laapataa Ladies was chosen out of a list of 29 feature films, which includes movies in different languages, Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam, among others. Check out the full list of films that were rejected by FFI to make way for Kiran Rao’s film. Laapataa Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao, was announced as India’s official entry into Oscars 2025 by the Film Federation Of India on Monday in the Best Foreign Film category. Laapataa Ladies was chosen out of a list of 29 feature films, which includes movies in different languages, Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam, among others. Check out the full list of films that were rejected by FFI to make way for Kiran Rao’s film. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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