The Purvanchal region accounts for 27 Lok Sabha seats, of which 14 voted in the sixth phase of general elections on May 25. The remaining 13 will vote in the seventh and final phase on June 1. Most-watched among these are Varanasi constituency, where PM Narendra Modi is contesting from for the third time, and Yogi Adityanath’s home turf Gorakhpur, where the BJP has fielded actor-politician Ravi Kishan The Purvanchal region accounts for 27 Lok Sabha seats, of which 14 voted in the sixth phase of general elections on May 25. The remaining 13 will vote in the seventh and final phase on June 1. Most-watched among these are Varanasi constituency, where PM Narendra Modi is contesting from for the third time, and Yogi Adityanath’s home turf Gorakhpur, where the BJP has fielded actor-politician Ravi Kishan Elections Elections News in, Elections Latest News, Elections News
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