Voting in Maharashtra for the 288 assembly seats began on Wednesday, November 20, 2024. People are coming out in large numbers to cast their vote and Bollywood celebrities are no exception. No points for guessing which Bollywood star was among the early voters. Yes, right, it is Akshay Kumar, who was spotted at the voting centre with his security. After casting his vote, the actor praised the preparations made by the Elections Commission of India (ECI) at the centre for voters and specifically for senior citizens. He also urged people to come out of their houses and cast their votes. Voting in Maharashtra for the 288 assembly seats began on Wednesday, November 20, 2024. People are coming out in large numbers to cast their vote and Bollywood celebrities are no exception. No points for guessing which Bollywood star was among the early voters. Yes, right, it is Akshay Kumar, who was spotted at the voting centre with his security. After casting his vote, the actor praised the preparations made by the Elections Commission of India (ECI) at the centre for voters and specifically for senior citizens. He also urged people to come out of their houses and cast their votes. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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